Chinese translation for "rolling oil"
- 冷轧润滑油
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The research of quality standard for emulsion - type rolling oil 乳化型轧制液的质量标准研究 | | 2. | Influence of rolling oil on rolled aluminum material surface quality in cold rolling process 冷轧过程中轧制油对铝材表面质量的影响 | | 3. | Rolling oils , sampling and testing for ash and total iron in steel mill dispersions of 轧钢厂冷轧油弥散物中灰粉和铁总含量的取样和试验 | | 4. | 05 . 02 measuring the emulsion stability of new unused rolling oil dispersions in water , method of 新未用过的冷轧润滑油在水中弥散的乳化稳定性的测量方法 | | 5. | Test method for sampling and testing for ash and total iron in steel mill dispersions of rolling oils 轨钢厂轧制油悬浮液中灰分及总铁量的取样及测试的试验方法 |
- Similar Words:
- "rolling of sediment particles" Chinese translation, "rolling of wire" Chinese translation, "rolling off" Chinese translation, "rolling off the arm" Chinese translation, "rolling offense" Chinese translation, "rolling oil system" Chinese translation, "rolling on" Chinese translation, "rolling on edge" Chinese translation, "rolling on forever" Chinese translation, "rolling on the floor laughing" Chinese translation